Potawatomi Woods Surprise Proposal | Marisa & Jaime

June 10, 2015

Jaime contacted us a few weeks back about a surprise proposal during his son Andrew’s first birthday party. Even in our initial emails, you could just tell how excited he was to propose to the love of his life. Aileen met with Jaime one afternoon in the Loop. And of course, there was no parking, so she jumped in his car, and they drove around the city discussing the timeline and details of the proposal. After meeting with Jaime, we came to realize that Marisa and his children are the most important people in his life. Family is everything, and he wanted them all to be there when he proposed to his love.

While Aileen was second shooting a wedding in Chicago last Saturday, I traveled to Wheeling to document Andrew’s first birthday party…and the surprise proposal! Surrounded by friends and family, Andrew celebrated his safari-themed birthday with music, great food, and a HUGE bouncy castle. And I admit, I even attempted to get in the bouncy house, but quickly learned that taking pictures with kids trying to jump over you is a bit difficult to do… The day was filled with laughter, dancing, and happy tears.

OK, enough writing for now. Let the pictures tell you the story! Here are some of our favorites from Jaime and Marisa’s surprise proposal!

Potawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise Proposal

Potawatomi Woods Surprise Proposal

Potawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise Proposal

Potawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise ProposalPotawatomi Woods Surprise Proposal

Congrats again Marisa & Jaime!! We wish you and your amazing family nothing but happiness and love. Also, a big thank you to my second shooter Jennifer with Jennifer Claire Photography!


Ed & Aileen



  1. Awwww – this made me cry!!! So happy you guys were able to capture this moment for them!!!! Congrats again, Jaime and Marisa!!!

  2. Marisa Navarro says:

    I can’t stop looking at them. Thank you so much! I love everyone’s expression, this is just Awesome.

  3. Emilia Torres says:

    Congratulations! What an awesome surprise that was! God job Jaime. Congrats Marisa, Jaime is an awesome guy! Hugs to both from me!

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