Taking the Leap

October 16, 2015

Oh wow… I can’t believe it. In less than 6 hours, I will no longer be a practicing attorney. I will be a photographer. And yes, I’m freaking terrified. But you know what? I’m also excited, hopeful, and most importantly, happy. I’m so happy to finally pursue my passion surrounded by the most caring and supportive community of Chicago wedding vendors. I mean, they threw me a surprise party for quitting my job!!

And what perfect timing! Today is Boss’s Day. Today is my day.

This decision was a long time coming. I was miserable and stressed for months, if not years. There would be days where I would wake up at 6AM already filled with dread. I would just lie in bed (and sometimes cry) while Ed would hug me and tell me, “You can do it. One day at a time.” I would try to drown out my thoughts with the hustle and bustle of the CTA (blasting The Killers also helped). But the closer I got to my office building, the bigger the knot in my chest would grow.

Ed and I talked a few times about me leaving my job, but I was too scared. I was concerned about money, time wasted (I suffered through and paid for three years of law school after all!), and the future. And when Ed lost his job in early September, I tried so hard to remain positive. I would constantly tell myself that it was all going to be OK, that I got this, that it could be so much worse… Lie, after lie. But on Friday, October 2nd, I realized just how toxic my life was becoming. There was absolutely no compassion, creativity, or kindness. I deserved better. I deserved to be happy. So that night I went home, I talked to Ed, my mom, friends, and mentors for hours. Every single person told me to quit. And I knew, then and there, I was making the right decision.

Now, I’m not going to lie, Ed and I will no longer be able to do things like we used to. Things will be extremely tight for awhile. I almost had a panic attack while working on our budget last night… It’s not going to be easy, but it will all be worth it. I finally have the time to chase my dream! I am excited to see what this new chapter has in store. And I can’t wait to start waking up next to Ed filled with hope and excitement.

Thank you so much to my friends and family for helping me take the leap. I couldn’t have done this without you. Thank you.





  1. This is like looking back into my life 4 years ago and reading a post I wrote at the same time!! Seriously – down to the husband who lost his job and knowing this was going to be it to make ends meet… and having to sacrifice things for a bit to make it work! But you know what?! It’s going to WORK! You two are so determined and amazing, and such hard workers!! You have fought hard for this and now that you have the stress and anxiety of the day job no longer weighing you down (not to mention, more hours in the day) – you’re going to SOAR!! XOXO

  2. Jill Kozak says:

    Can I get a what what! I’m so proud of you for pursuing your passion! There’s not enough of that in this world. It might seem stressful or scary at first, but believe me, the universe will conspire to reward you in so many ways you never believed possible when you follow your heart. Enough of the soul-sucking jobs! Onward with LIFE!


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